Thursday, August 18, 2016

Moving into the Modern World

This year I am trying something new. I will be using a Blog. Some pictures will be contained within the Blog and others will have a link to my website, hopefully there may be slideshow contained within the Blog. This is going to be a dynamic situation as I learn how to manage the blog and play with different presentations. I am planning to have a map of our travels on the first page of the blog with markers as to where we stop. If you click on each marker there may be a picture under the marker.

I have already encountered problems doing this. In the middle of setting up the blog there was an update. Functionality I was using just disappeared. Down the tube went some work. One item that I miss is the ability to put a slide show inside the blog, this worked great but in the update that functionality has disappeared. I will continue to look for a solution. Be patient, if this doesn't work out I will switch back to the old method.

Our Plans for This Year:

We are planning to go to Assateague Island National Seashore and then on to Acadia National Park. From there we will wander through New Brunswick, Canada. We are not planning to stop at Hopewell Rocks at this time. For those of you who have not been there I will post some pictures of the area from previous trips. Seeing a 28’ tide is awesome, as is walking on the bottom of the bay and 6 hours later where you walked is covered by 28’ of water. Other things we will be skipping Campobello Island(Franklin Roosevelt summer home) and Alexander Graham Bell’s summer home, Beinn Bhreagh in the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site(Parks Canada). If you ever go this way these are both worth a stop but bring your Passports as you will be in Canada.

As we wander north our main goal is the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec. This is one of the Top 10 Drives in the World, we are looking forward to this as we have never been to this area. We will do this drive counter-clockwise to keep the ocean on our right. After this we will wander along the St. Lawrence, visit Quebec City, Montreal and Niagara Falls if time permits.

Then back to the US and a stop at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Seashore(sand dunes) for a rest. Then on to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, wander a while in the Michigan, Wisconsin area. We need to be in Pender,NE in late Oct. to get something done on the motor home. Pender sounds exciting, Yelp says 3 restaurants: Subway, Pizza Place and something else. Luckily we are not spending much time there.

Then back to wandering our way to Phoenix for the winter.

The usual rules apply. I type, I don’t proofread.