Monday, November 14, 2016

Last Update for Fall Trip

This will be my last update from our Fall Trip. We are thinking about doing some touring to Sedona and maybe the  Mongolian Ridge. Depends how our time is but probably won’t be until January.

I have not done an update in a while. We stopped at Santa Fe for a few days to have a break and see the area.  

Santa Fe: We decided to visit Santa Fe on Sunday morning, at 9AM we couldn’t even find a parking place. We had planned to visit the Georgia O’Keefe Museum, Lorelei Chapel and the Old Town Square, just have a leisurely wander. All that went out the window when we couldn’t find a parking place and all the lots were full. As a back up I had an Audubon Conservation Area to visit and tour. Another bust. We had the address, went to the address and nothing was there. No sign, nothing, just some houses. Very disappointed. We just gave up and went back to town for a very good lunch at a restaurant suggested by a friend. 

Our next major stop was Albuquerque, we had been here several times before so we just planned to restock on wine, eat at Rudy’s, our favorite BBQ place, tour Petroglyph National Monument, Sandia Peak and maybe the Lava Beds. We did get to Petroglyph NM and saw several Petroglyph, It was a cloudy day so we skipped Sandia and the Lava Beds. Decided to do laundry and called a mobile oil change service to change the motor home oil.

After Albuquerque we headed for Phoenix, we were ready to settle down for a while and see the grandkids. We settled into our site and put together our to do list while in Phoenix. MH’s are just like homes, always a to do list. We review the list each week to see what we have added and what we have completed. 

First thing to do when in camp is to food shop, get hair cuts and whatever else we have been deferring. My car needed a front end alignment(new tires) and a servicing. Finding a place to do this presented a minor challenge. The first 2 I contacted wouldn’t give a ride home. I finally found a service that provided rides back and forth. I will use them in the future. 

Where we stay is north of Phoenix up in the foothills. We have a great view over the valley, love seeing the hot air balloons float past each day. We have counted as many a 8 at one time. This year there seems to be less in the air but a balloon crashed a few months ago so that may be the cause of the  drop off in flights. Weather is generally very good so no complaints there. In  the foothills we almost always have a nice breeze during the day. 

Weekends+ are consumed by family. Somehow time always gets away from us and the week goes flying by. Procrastination doesn’t help either. And then come the little things: water leaks, can’t work on the to do list until we get some parts etc. etc. 

Until we do some local traveling this will be our final travel update for a while. I hope you all enjoy the blog, it is my way of documenting what we have done and where we have been.