Monday, September 18, 2017

We have begun our fall trip with many changes in our lives. We have put our house up for sale and will turn around from our trip when it sells. I had knee replacement surgery in June and am still recovering from that. When the house sells we will begin our full timing life. We are planning a long trip to Alaska for one summer and another summer we will visit Washington, Oregon and Idaho. States that we have not really visited. Then onto Wyoming and Montana. Looking forward to visiting the western states.

Life is about change and embracing it.

This year we had no major plans due to the house being on the market. Between Harvey, Irma and now Jose we kept deferring leaving. I like to have paper maps and have made 3 trips to AAA as our routing changes to further and further north to avoid Harvey and Irma.

We plan to wander toward New Mexico with a few jogs and then on to Phoenix for the winter. If the house sells we will turn around and take care of that.

Right now we are at Assateague Island National Seashore. We had originally made a reservation for the Bay side(not the preferred side) since that was all available. When we checked in we asked if they had an Ocean side sight and they did. It is so nice here, breezy all the time. Sites are very nice and far apart. We are "boondocking". There is no water, electric or sewer. This is very typical of anything "national". Price is right though, $15/night. I will say without electricity, no street lights, this campground is pitch black at night.

As we came into Assateague we starting seeing wild horses, the major attraction of Assateague and the home of the famous "pony swim" each summer. We couldn't stop as we had the motor home. The next day we drove out and saw horses all over the place. After we came back, we really didn't have to go far. The horses were wandering through the campground. The Ranger warned everyone to treat the horses like bears, don't leave food out as the horses will eat anything. The Ranger also asked everyone st stay 10'-20' away from them. The only problem is the horses weren't told this. We watched our neighbor trying to pack up. A horse followed him around, every outside cabinet he opened the horse looked into. It was quite comical. I wish I had a picture of this.

Today the local forecast was breezy, 15-20 mph winds. Tomorrow it is suppose to be windy, 30+ mph winds. We walked to the beach today, the "breeze" was so strong the sand was stinging our legs. Nice beach except for the sand.

Horses visiting our neighbor

Our motor home

Sand dunes and beach across the road from our site

A Typical site

Most of the horses we see are eating

A view of the campground from the beach

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