Monday, April 30, 2018

Our Travels for 2018

We have been in Tucson since Wednesday, April  25th. Just so you know that there are several new entries in the blog.

Today we planned to take the Scenic Byway to Mt. Lemmon. The weather when we have been in Tucson has never been truly clear, always hazy. In the mornings we have blue sky but by the afternoon the clouds move in and the wind starts. Makes visiting the area a challenge.

The road system in Tucson is not as well planned as in Phoenix so we need to plan a bit of time to get from one side to the other as it is all city streets and the lights aren't synced very well.

We took off, drove the usual mini-roller coaster roads(not very flat around here) and finally got to the byway. Uphill for 27 miles, elevation rise from 2700' to 9100'. A very curvy road but a good road: paved, shoulders, not clinging to the mountain like so many others. Very little traffic. The views were great, too bad it was hazy. We were disappointed at the end of the drive. Ended up in the town of Summerhaven, minimal parking. Drove over to the ski area, again minimal parking. We had hoped for a mountain top conclusion with great views, similar to Pikes Peak.

This would be a great drive on a clear day but not to be for us today. Next came the challenge of a meal. All the restaurant advertising seems to be very low key, hard to spot even with 2 of us looking. We finally saw a Panera and stopped there. Then back to the campground and get ready to leave tomorrow(Tuesday).

.This is the nice, straight road up to the top of Mt. Lemmon.

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