Tuesday, May 1, 2018

We have migrated from Tucson to Deming, NM. The campground we are in belongs to a group that we are members of. Last night was Taco Tuesday at the hotel next door so we all met up and walked over. A lot of talking and reminiscing, 4 of us were from NJ so we talked about the shore, bread, deli's, boardwalk, ice cream, on and on. Everyone had a good time and since the group is a regular, we had a private room, very nice.

Our drive to Deming was not so nice, took us 6+ hours to go 220 miles. Heavy wind, dust blowing, lots of dust devils, visibility poor at times. In one area the police had us all slowed down to 40 mph. A very rough trip. The wind is suppose to be worse today. We had planned to stay a few days. Good planning on our part.

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