Sunday, August 19, 2018

2018 Start of Fall Trip

Today we started our fall trip. Plans are to go to Alabama shore for a week and tour the area plus see a Blue Angels practice. Hopefully, there will be minimal rain.

Yesterday we installed into/onto the motorhome some new toys we bought. One is called Snappads. These are rubber(made from old tires) feet that go on our leveling jacks so we no longer need to put special plastic pads under the feet to limit the sinking into the soft ground. Not a necessary item, just making things easier for us

The other item is a Levelmate. It is more comfortable if the MH is level, we have automatic levelers which work great but sometimes we need to put blocks under the tires or levelers if we are too far off level. Then it becomes a guessing game as to how many blocks we will need. This is a normal RVing problem no matter what type of RV you have. The MH is a bit harder to level than a  trailer and more of a guessing game. The Levermate assists in doing this by telling us how far off level we are so we can put the blocks down, if needed, at the beginning of the leveling process. Again, just simplifies things a bit.

The next challenge as we packed up was our satellite TV antennae wouldn't come down. We were getting a motor stalled message. Not a good message. Tom manually lowered the dish but we will need to address it on Monday morning.

Once the satellite was down we started off on our trip. We always do a short day the first day, just need to get back into the swing of traveling. Everything went well and we made our first stop in  Four Oaks, NC.

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