Saturday, August 18, 2018

Here it is, August, and we have been in Williamsburg visiting our doctors, many friends, and favorite restaurants. We have not sold the house yet, but are hopeful that we will sell in the next few months. Optimism abounds. We did finish packing up what we could in the house, tagged everything we are planning to put into storage. We have sold a lot, the one big benefit to this moving exercise is cleaning out. We just finished reorganizing our storage unit. It is amazing how much junk is collected over the years. We feel good about where we are at this point in time.

Our plans, for what they are worth, are to go to southern Alabama and tour the coast, see the Blue Angels practice in Pensocola. Just a leisurely week at the shore. After that, we plan to go to TX and have our motor home worked on. The part is at the repair shop and we are on the schedule.

Next in the plans are to drive up to Oklahoma and do a good tour of Oklahoma, we have never really visited that state and are looking forward to it. Then on to northern New Mexico and the Four Corners area. If it isn't threatening snow at  this point we would like to visit the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. At 8000' this will be questionable.

We plan to be in Phoenix in late October, first stop will be at the repair place that installed our solar, someplace along the line we lost power from the new bank and Tom traced it to the connector. In order for us to reach the connector we need to take off the solar panel, we don't do things like that anymore so back to the installer.  He is expecting us so that should be a quick stop. Then on to winter camp.

We are going to try a different map of our travels this year. Not going to use Google since they managed to lose all my previous maps(I knew I didn't like cloud storage).

To give you a taste for our wandering I am including some of my favorite pictures from over the years. I started selecgting my favorites and had several hundred, so far. These are just a few.

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