Thursday, May 20, 2021

Bonneville Salt Flats

Wells, NV

The campground is lovely, lush, green, lots of trees. Very unusual out here. When we arrived there was a wedding going on down by the creek. The flower girls were darling. White dresses and cowboy boots!!!! As the wedding progressed the clouds rolled in, thunder started and the rain came down. I assume they did get married as everyone scattered.

Wells is not a large time, Burger King, McDonald's, 1 pretty good local restaurant and an Iron Skillet at the truck stop. We remembered Iron Skillet with fondness and stopped there. Not the same restaurant we remember. The next day we tried the local restaurant. Only open for breakfast and lunch. We elected breakfast and is was good.

Our mail came in so we went to the Post Office to pick it up. It is safer to select a small town for mail, the larger towns seem to misplace the mail. Small towns don’t get that much General Delivery so it is easier to find in the office.

Our campground host likes to bake. For 2 of the 4 days she came around with breakfast muffins. Nice treat.

While here we took a drive to the Bonneville Salt Flats. Plenty of camping space with great views. We went to the Flats but didn’t go out on them. Your car gets full of salt mud, we don’t want that. The Flats are flat as far as you can see, no bushes or anything green.

Our last day in Wells we had snow. Didn’t stick to the road. The trees were beautiful.   

Bonneville Salt Flats click





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