Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Beginning Our 2019 Travels, Alaska here we come

Another winter has passed and it is getting time to hit the road. We are heading to Alaska this year. This has been on our bucket list for quite some time and this is the year. Over the winter Tom has encountered several medical issues but they are now resolved and we are ready to hit the road. We will be leaving right after Easter and head north. We were delayed a month so our initial plans have changed and we will not be able to stop and smell the roses too much on the way north. We have a lot of miles to cover to get to Alaska by early June.

As I learn more about the blogging software that I use new things will appear. I hope to have more pictures this year. I have learned(still learning) how to connect a Google Photos Album to the blog. I will still post pictures in the blog but will also have the album available as a tab on top for those of you who want to see additional pictures. Sounds good, hope all goes a planned.

For now, I am getting the blog ready with the 2019 map and other minor housekeeping items.

Our first day out went very smooth. We had anticipated a lot of traffic, especially trucks, heading North on I17. Since this is a climb from 1700 feet to 7000 feet we spend a lot of time in the right lane and had planned on being held up by the trucks who were struggling up the grades as we were. Amazingly, there were few trucks and we were able to maintain good speed in our climb up to Flagstaff.

Since we arrived at Flagstaff in a timely manner and the weather as good(showers had been forecast) we decided to continue on toward Page. We managed to get to Page and decided to stop overnight at Lone Rock, a National Park Campground. We did this for 2 reasons: we wanted to test our generator autostart function(there is no electricity in the campground) and we didn't want to unhitch the car(lazy). Everything worked out. We had a so-so sunset. I had hoped for better.

The Seven Peaks around Flagstaff
Our View at Lone Rock, Page

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