Thursday, April 25, 2019

Today our plans were to visit the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, a 3700 no-kill facility plus an additional 17000 acres rented from the BLM. We were amazed as to how popular the sanctuary was and how well kept, obviously well funded. The sanctuary pretty much accepts all companion animals(pets) and their motto is "Save them all: We were planning to take a tour(2 hours long) but all tours were fully booked. For the middle of the week in April, this was quite surprising as Kanab is not exactly close to anything big. We will put the Best Friends and the PipeSpring NM back onto our bucket list.

About Best Friends:

Best Friends was founded in 1984 and provides for about 1700 animals on a daily basis. This is a well maintained, immaculate facility. It is the largest animal sanctuary in the US and a world-leader in the no-kill movement for the last 30 years.

You could easily spend an entire day at the Sanctuary. From taking the tour, doing a few hikes, lunch(buffet $5) and just enjoying the views.

I was curious about the history of Best Friends but could find little information on who created the sanctuary and how Kanab was selected.

The Sanctuary also has 2 pet cemetaries, one for their animals and one for the public. Both are well maintained and we spoke to a few of the volunteers.

If you are in the area, do some planning and schedule a tour and visit.

View from the Visitor Center

Memorial for Pets

Many wind chimes, all in the Key of D, wonderful!!

Rock formations that look like pudding

The views are phenomenal

After Best Friends, we drove to Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park. This sounded interesting but we discovered that it was primarily an ATV type park, not even a visitor center. We gave the park a pass.

The Dunes(better ones in park) aren't even coral!!

Curious things found on the road:

From Page to Kanab the person who put tar in the cracks must have been a frustrated artist. On the road for miles, drawn with the tar were "pictures". States, birds, animals, buildings, etc.

The restaurant by Pipe Spring is good. Don't order a full order of fries, a 1 qt. container overflowing is considered a full order.

Driving from Kanab to Joseph, UT(where we are now) we passed Caboose Village. 7 cabooses that have been made into rooms to rent for the night!

We are in the town of Joseph, there are no restaurants, not even fast food!! Tomorrow we will be in the Salt Lake City area, waiting for mail.



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