Monday, April 29, 2019

We asked that our mail be delivered to Provo, UT and had planned to stay at the Elks Lodge in Provo. We called the Lodge and found out they were having a convention. Did some scrambling and found a city campground in Spanish For, UT. Barebones, asphalt parking lot type campground but it would work out fine.

We were surprised about the Salt Lake City area. There are mountains all around and the area is quite beautiful.

The View from our Campground

A Very Nasty Thunderstorm

We were a bit lonely for a day or 2

We have been waiting for our mail and having nasty, windy, rainy weather. The mail was scheduled to be in on Saturday but didn't show up. Finally arrived on Monday. In the meantime, we did things around the MH, just like a house. Sunday is our usual laundry day and this became a challenge. Several laundromats were closed on Sunday. This caught us by surprise.

Provo Area

Since we were delayed in Utah a few days we decided to change our plans and go to Yellowstone for a few days and then head into Canada. This is a good time to visit Yellowstone, not all the roads are open and there are a lot of animals wandering around. Going to be cold but that is OK for us. After our visit to Yellowstone, we will head directly to Canada. We still have a lot of miles to cover.

Besides working around the MH and doing our "to do" items I have been working on the details of our trip to Alaska. There is a book, called Mileposts, that documents, in excruciating detail(uses 10ths of miles) the main(mostly all) the roads leading to Alaska and in Alaska. Every turnout, side road, etc. are documented. Took me a while to come up with a system using different color highlighters to mark what we should be interested in. We are hoping to cover 100-150 miles a day when driving the Alaska Highway from Dawson Creek but that may be optimistic. There will be weather delays, construction delays and numerous random stops.

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