Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Boat Ride and Drive to Miller's Landing

Today was the day of our boat ride. We would be on the water for 8 hours. The ride started pretty normal and then the Captain announced we were going to divert and go to a different location. She had been in conversation with other Captains and had a treat for us. Wouldn’t tell us what. This was my downfall, we went out into the Gulf of Alaska and the ride became very rough. I decided to get seasick but the crew was very good all of us(I wasn’t alone) and was handing out Ginger candy, Dramamine, etc. The Dramamine took me out of it and I was very tired and kept falling asleep. I did wake up enough to see the “treat”. There was a pod of whales bubble netting fish. This is where the whales circle the fish, blowing bubbles to “corral” the fish. Then the whales eat. This is a very rare occurrence for people to see but we were lucky. In the end, this detour took us 26 miles off our normal route so we had to move a high speed across the Gulf to get caught up with our planned trip to Kenia Fjords NP and Alalik Glacier.  The reason for rushing back was that we had people who had to catch the train back to Anchorage. 

We took the tour by Major Marine, first we had a coupon and second there was an on board NPS ranger. The tour was very interesting and we had someone we could ask questions of very easily.   

We did see lots of seals, puffin, otters, sea lions and, of course, glaciers.
We came back very tired and hungry. We didn’t sign up for the meal on the boat and that was a good decision based on my being sick and the rough ride. We had stopped at Subway and picked up sandwiches but didn’t eat them due to the rough ride.

Our Welcome to the Tour

Our First Eagle

Stressed out Sea Lions?

The Bubbles from the Whales

The Little Black Spot is a Whale

Some More Stressed out Sealife

First Glimpse of Glacier

A Raft of Sea Otters

The Glacier is Huge when you have a Boat to Compare it to

Nothing affects the Otters

A Bear just strolling along

Some Puffins

And back to Seward

When we all arrived back the CG(we had a car full, other campers from our campground were on the same boat) there was a huge MH in the CG(this is a very small CG). The MH should never have even pulled into this small CG. We also had a police car and everyone was out and milling about.

We just pulled over to the side since we couldn’t get to our rig and watched things sort themselves out.

We found out later the guy in the big MH was a wild driver(I call them Yahoos!!) He backed into someone’s MH and the camp host’s car. Minor damage but even so. The camp host called the police so reports could be written. This ticked off this guy even more. He then proceeded to get a ticket for whatever.

After he left everyone was discussing him. Normally you have the driver's window open so you can hear someone yelling if needed. He didn't have his wife out as a spotter. Overall, he broke a lot of basic, RVing protocol. We felt he shouldn’t be driving the MH. The police followed him down the road, I guess to keep an eye on him. 

Tomorrow is a rest day. We will sit around, enjoy the view, talk to neighbors, enjoy Otto the Otter.

On our rest day, Otto brought a girlfriend so we had double the entertainment.  We also took a ride out to the end of the peninsula, Miller's Landing. Nice drive, of course, a dirt road.

Otto and his Girlfriend

Finally, a clear day!!

Fireweed at Miller's Landing

Some more cedar shake art

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