Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Driving from Glenallen to Tok

The weather looked good today so we decided to take the Glennallen-Tok shortcut. We had been hearing horror stories about the state of the road but generally, this is overblown by people driving too fast for the road conditions.

If we took the long way around the time would have been 100+ miles and 3 hours.

There was nothing major wrong with the road. The first 20 miles or so there were many frost heaves, generally marked. Around mile 30-35 we encountered the construction zone, 12 miles long. We waited for our pilot car and the caravan started off. Yes, it was rough, yes, we had plenty of stops for construction vehicles. Most of us kept 500+ feet between ourselves so we wouldn’t get a rock chips or broken windshields. Took a while but we made it through. After that, the road varied from exceptional(newly paved) to feeling every crack to gravel and numerous potholes. All part of the adventure.

Our Construction Caravan

The Spectacular Scenery Continues

While driving the Tok cutoff the wrench light came on in the MH. When Tom checked it with our engine scanner a general error was indicated. All was well the next morning and we haven't seen the engine light again.

We parked along the road for the night. We find this generally easier than finding a campground and needing to unhook the toad.

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