Friday, July 5, 2019

Our Days in Homer

I decided to combine the rest of our stay in Homer into one big entry.


Smoke again. We went out to a good restaurant for lunch on the Spit and shared their Seafood Sampler. We had shrimp, Halibut(specialty in this area), Salmon(of course) and scallops. Right on the bay, good food, good view. Nice relaxing lunch.

On the way back the weather looked a little better, we went for a drive but still too hazy. Stopped at the Post Office to pick up a package. We are going to see a lot of the Post Office this week, 3 more packages due in plus a FedEx to our motorhome.

These flowers, Cow's Parsnips, cover the sides of the roads on th peninsula



I followed our FedEx package through the process and a truck showed up this afternoon. She checked our site number and then knocked on the door. I asked how the packages get here and was told a plane brings them in each day.

The other excitement for the day was 2 earthquakes, one 4.6, epicenter 32 miles away and one 4.0 48 miles away. Makes for an interesting day as we had minor bouncing in the MH.

I decided today would be a good day to produce some frozen meals for our trip. Spent a good portion of the day doing some cooking after a trip to the supermarket. We should now be well-stocked with pre-made meals.


Today the air had cleared up a bit so we took a drive up to Kenai, had some good views of mountains along the way the but the scenery diminished as we went further north. Win some, lose some. We need rain to put out the forest fire. These are repeat pictures and maybe some new ones. 


After we were back in the motorhome another earthquake struck. This one was 4.7 and we had driven through the epicenter about an hour before.


We have a half-price coupon book and our cruise company was in our coupon book and required a reservation to use the coupon. I called and found out the Monday cruise was sold out so we signed up for Tuesday. The coupon book saved us $100 on this cruise and $150 on the plane trip around Denali. We are ahead of the game as the coupon book cost $69 in the US, $99 here at Safeway.

We have new neighbors today. 2 single women traveling together around Canada. We had met them in Fairbanks so we chatted a while and discussed both our future travel plans. I mentioned we were planning to go on a cruise in Seward on Monday and they had been planning to go on the same cruise, just a different day. I mentioned that the cruise company was in the coupon book. They had not heard of the coupon book so I showed it to them.

We went to the supermarket to buy some odds and ends. I asked about wine and found out the Alaska law says wine and food cannot be sold together. That explains why Walmart, Costco, and Safeway have separate locations for their wine.

We walked over the liquor store and bought a bottle of wine. Interesting, Alaskan law said that everyone must be carded(no exceptions), both the person buying the wine and any other people in the group.


Another very smokey day in Homer. We did laundry, picked up our final package at the Post Office and started packing up. Laundry is very expensive in Homer, I guess a captured audience. The regular machine was $9/load!! Yikes!! We needed 2 loads. We discovered there were large machines, at only $12. Everything fit into one of those. For some reason, washing was very expensive but drying was normal 25 cents/5 minutes. 

1 comment:

John and Lora said...

Word of warning: do NOT touch the cow parsnip. It causes nasty skin rashes that can flare up for quite a long time after when exposed to sunlight. Another plant looks very similar to it called Devils Club - really nasty thorns...