Saturday, August 24, 2019

More of the Cassiar

We are on the Cassier Hwy, a main N/S route through British Columbia. The road varies from dirt, to gravel, very rough, to mediocre. Speed is a wishful 55 MPH, 40 or less is more reasonable. Curves, hills(both up and down) have no warnings, no stripes and no shoulder with a 10’ drop off. Luckily this is a lightly traveled road right now.

There are few campgrounds or services. You need to plan carefully where to get gas(440 miles) and where to camp.

Today we pulled into Kiskana PP, lot more people here than we have previously seen but no problems getting a waterfront site with a great view.

Our View!!!!

Due to the condition of the road we are taking our time. Traveling about 100-150 miles per day. We are in no rush as we are a little ahead of our theoretical schedule. We don’t want to get to Jasper and Banff until early Sept.

Our Camp Attendant came around to collect the nightly fee. She offered us 2 nights for the price of 1, have no idea why but we are unable to accept. Too bad.
Our next stop is Meziadin PPfor the night and then on to Stewart(BC)/Hyder(AK). These are 2 interesting towns. Stewart, being Canadian, is well organized and neat. Hyder, being the US, is kind of a mish-mosh. You can think of the towns as one since most of the people in Hyder shop in Stewart. There is no US Immigration post but there is a Canadian post so we need to carry our passports.

The main draw of Hyder is Salmon Glacier(really in BC)and the Fish Creek Wild Life Observation Site(NFS) bear watching area. This is a boardwalk above the stream and you watch the bear fish while the salmon are running(now). We are looking forward to this and to take a break since we will have been traveling for 6 days solid.

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