Saturday, August 24, 2019

Visit to Carcross

Today we drove to Carcross to visit the town of Atlin and the next day visit Skagway. Both are supposed to be scenic drives. Tomorrow we go to Atlin, and the next day to Skagway.

The next day we went to Skagway, a beautiful drive but there were 4 cruise ships in Skagway. A mob scene. Since our primary goal was to do the drive for the scenery we were happy. 

The drive to Skagway was very scenic but the last 10-15 miles was all downhill with minimal flat spots. We dropped from 3800’ to sea level. Happy we were driving the car and not the MH. 

Atlin was a very neat town right on a lake, the drive not so much but at least it as paved. On our way back from Atlin our sun roof glass flew off onto the road. When we arrived back at the campground we put a trash bag and a lot of tape over the sunroof. We will get repairs made when back in Phoenix.

Llewelyn Glacier on a back road in Atlin

We ate at the only restaurant in Atlin, as usual, great food and friendly people. Everyone was talking to everyone else. Had a good time.

The next day we went to Skagway, a beautiful drive but there were 4 cruise ships in Skagway. A mob scene. Since our primary goal was to do the drive for the scenery we were happy.

The drive to Skagway was very scenic but the last 10-15 miles was all downhill with minimal flat spots. We dropped from 3800’ to sea level. Happy we were driving the car and not the MH. 

Before returning to the MH we drove to Emerald Lake. The lake is mostly limestone which accounts for the colors. We also stopped at the Carcross Desert. Yes, desert. We had noticed the ground was very sandy in the area and here was a desert in the middle of Yukon. 

We ate lunch in the restaurant attached to our campground. It was very good. I am always surprised by

how good the food is in these small towns. Probably some of the best we have ever had. Limited menu but so good.

Pictures from our trip to Skagway.

Train to White Pass, neat ride, we did it years ago, drive just as good

House has a great view and a very solid foundation

After Skagway we stopped at Emerald Lake and the Carcross Desert, yes desert!!

Emerald Like, limestone gives it the color

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