Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Monahan Sandhills State Park is a small park with many sand dunes, hard to walk on as the sand is very fine, loose and dry. The roads are partly covered with sand. Being here just overnight we had sand gathered around our electric cord.

After visiting the park, with very short drives and walks, we drove to Monahans, TX. A partly dying town that apparently was busy in the past but the oil or whatever industry has no passed them by. The one interesting thing we found was a train graveyard. Trains that had been in accidents are brought here and dismantled, recycled. We couldn't go in but took some pictures from the road. The other interesting train was going down the track backwards, with 6 engines, slowly. There is nothing around here so we had no idea what it was doing.

We ate a Pappy's Barbecue, good brisket, spicy sausage and potato salad. Have enough left for at least one more meal, maybe even two if I make some cornbread.

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