Thursday, May 10, 2018

We left Monahan Sandhills  SP and had to go on the interstate for 40 miles. We then switched off to the secondary roads and there was virtually no traffic. I can always tell when we are in Texas, the speed limits are very high. On roads that I think 50 is a nice speed(and I have a heavy foot) the speed limit is 70/75. Mostly no shoulders, up and down small, sometimes blind, hills. I cannot picture going that fast on these roads.

To create some excitement on the road we met 5 small oil tanks coming against us. Well marked as oversize. How true....Took their lane, the shoulder and part of our lane. Just keeps the driver wide awake. We never realized that the tanks were made then transported. These were OK what really is exciting is the arms for the windmills. They are one piece, probably 75' long. We have seen them stuck trying to make turns. We are seeing more and more windmill farms on the road.

Sharing the Road

A Very Large Windmill Complex

We pulled into Hord's Creek Lake for a couple of days. Very large, COE(Corps of Engineers) park. There are 2 sections and we are by ourselves in a section that holds about 25 rigs. Everything about this park is spacious.

Our first site was right on the water, wonderful views. Unfortunately, the electricity didn't work. Tom went out to look for another site in the car. I look for sites that have nice views, he only worries about the satellite tv antennae. Oh well, it is only for 2 nights. Next time I will go scout out a site if needed.

We set up and settled in, did some odds and ends around the MH, things just shake loose.

We took a drive and discovered we are the only people in the park, the next day we had some more people but everyone was on the other side of the lake, couple miles away.

The next day we took a drive into town to mail some mail, found a donut shop(very good donuts) and took a country drive. So nice to see green and lots of trees again instead of desert.

I am getting very tired of wind. In Deming we had 25-30 MPH winds, in Monahan Sandhills the wind was only 10 MPH. In Hord's Creek we are back up to 20 MPH. It is not just the constant wind, driving the MH is tough and tiring with a constant wind. Then add in the unexpected gusts!!!!!

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