Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday May 2

We have been in travel mode for a few days and it has been interesting. After finally getting our mail in Provo, Utah we looked at the schedule and decided we were running out of time. The other problem we have been having is many of the drives, vistas, waterfalls we wanted to visit were still snowed in. This surprised us until we found out that the snow amount this year was almost double the normal. Most of the roads would normally have been clear by now, oh well, that is how it goes.

One of our goals is to try to stay off the Interstates as much as possible so out came the mapping programs. We wandered our way north, our first stop was Bear Lake State Park. As we approached the park the snow started coming down, we pulled in and found a spot. Never saw another human that night or the next morning. We stopped and paid the iron ranger for our night, we had a great space, right on the lake with electricity. 

The next morning, the sun was shining and the lake was beautiful. Of we went, heading for our next campground in Idaho. After that, we just had a 100 miles to get to our campground in Yellowstone. Did we pick a winner! We had a view of the Tetons from this campground and were very happy.

Pictures After the Snow and Down the Road


he next morning, the sun was shining and the lake was beautiful. Of we went, heading for our next campground in Idaho. After that, we just had a 100 miles to get to our campground in Yellowstone. Did we pick a winner! We had a view of the Tetons from this campground and were very happy. 

View from out Campsite, click to enlarge

On Thursday, we drove on to Yellowstone. Within a few miles we saw a small heard of buffalo right on the river, with babies. We saw them a little late had to just pull off on the shoulder and take a few pictures. Next was major construction, with warnings of a possible delay of 30 minutes. Can’t do anything about that. 

Here are some pictures on our way to the campground. Highlight was seeing th Bison and a baby.

As you can tell the roads were very busy!

Our first animals, with a baby!


We pulled into the campground, the first sign we saw was no longer than 30’, we are 36’. We could see a few of the campsites and didn’t see any problem. There were 2 rangers just leaving the office and they told us and the guy in front of us that they were getting ready to open another section of the campground to follow them. Only about 25% of the sites were occupied but I guess they were getting ready to spring. 
We gladly did that since I had read that sites 42-48 were the best sites with a view and hoped we would find them. We also wanted to make sure our windows looked out at the view rather than into the hill. We lucked out and those sites were in the just opened section. We have a great view of the valley. As usual, typical national park, no electricity, water spigots every few sites and dark, very dark at night. No electricity, no lights.

Also no phone or internet service, another national park norm.

We drove over to pay our campsite fee and run up to the general store to get some bread. On the way over we saw 6-8 Elk in the campground, there are Elk, Bison and bear  normally in this area of the park and we were wondering why we hadn’t seen any. We learned a long time ago to always pack our lunch since there are few services.

I found out that up the hill I had internet, when we got back to camp I moved some of my equipment around to be on the hill side of the MH and had minimal internet. Not exactly robust.

Late afternoon today a herd of around 40-50 Elk came through the campground. Awesome!!

Herd of Elk in the Evening, maybe 100' away

Viedo of Elk herd

Aross the Road from us

In front of us

Tomorrow our plans are to start early and head out to what is normally a very good place to see animals. Hope we are not disappointed!!

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