Monday, June 28, 2021

Plymouth Park, Washington

 We have been caught in the heat wave of Washington and Oregon and decided we wanted to stay in a campground that had electricity for the duration. We found a really nice Corp of Engineer campground, off the beaten path, only 39 sites. This worked out well for us. we did some touring, tried a local restaurant and just took it easy. We hadn't planned to travel much in July/August so we started a little early. 

We have lots of wineries around us and thought we could visit them. That plan didn't work out very well as most needed reservations or were still mostly closed due to Covid. Covid is still impacting us. Most restaurants have limited hours, fast food don't have their dining rooms open yet. 

Going to the supermarkets here is a dicey situation. They don't seem to be well stocked, this is including Walmart.

We finally left the COE park. Tom needed a new phone and we thought this would be a great time to have one shipped to us. Our overnight package took 5 days to get to us. When we were finally able to hit the road again, 4th of July was upon us. We found a county fairground to stay at for 4th of July weekend. 

We did a few day trips along the Columbia River while waiting for the phone. The Columbia is awesome, it is a large river. We have driven maybe 200 miles of its length and the river size has been the  river size has been the same through out. 

There are numerous dams along the river for electrical generation, surprisingly you don't see many boats or fishermen on the river. I have no idea why not.

Each side of the river has a road. On the Oregon side is the Interstate, on the Washington side is a smaller, 2 lane highway, much prettier to drive and you can stop where  you want. No towns or services though.

We did find a local restaurant that was great. We like to go to Mom and Pop restaurants as most of them are very good. This one was a winner. 


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Mt. Rainier, What more do I need to say

We took a day trip to Mt. Rainier. We came in from the NW side which is unusual, most tourists come in from the East side. This is a great way to visit, the roads are empty, the viewpoints have 1 car. After an hour or so we were wondering where everyone was. We found out. We crossed the invisible line for the tourists who come in from the east, wall to wall cars and people. We had seen Mt. Rainier in all its glory with a beautiful day. Good way to end this stop. 

Rainier is awesome, just takes over the horizon wherever you drive. We encountered frozen lakes, roads closed due to snow(6' still) but still a great day. 

We stopped at a local place for dinner and had the best chicken fried steak and fish in chips in years. We like to try the Mom and Pop restaurants. We rarely find one that isn't good. 

Mt. Rainier 

Drive from Grand Coulee Dam to Yakima, WA

 Today was a great driving day. We were at Grand Coulee Dam, largest in the US. They had a great 45 minute movie about the construction of the dam and a very interesting museum. This is a massive dam, 550' high and 30' across the top. Happy we stopped here.

Today we drove down to Yakima WA to stop at an Elks Lodge for a few nights before we move to a Corp of Engineer park on the Columbia gorge for 5 days. Looking forward to this, we had a taster a few days ago driving along the Gorge but now we are going to see the "Gorge".

Our trip today was phenomenal scenery wise. We drove from Grand Coulee along the Columbia River. We were stopping frequently for the views. Then we had to drive on I90 and I82. Interstates are not my favorite as I find them boring. Not these two. Up and down significant grades(5% for 5 miles), then came the crowning touch, we stopped at a Scenic View Point and here was Mt. Rainier in all its glory.

A few miles down the road the view was even better, both Mt. Adams and Mt. Rainier came into our view. Of course no scenic area so pictures through the windshield is the best we can do. 

Took us 2 hours longer go get in than planned with all our stops.  

Drive to and Grand Coulee

Drive to Yakima, WA 

Sunday, June 13, 2021


We are now in Washington and have driven through their Palouse region. This is a unique region, only in Washington of rolling hills, mainly agricultural, just lovely to see after Oregon. We are heading for Spokane for a major food shopping before heading back onto the backroads for a month or so. 

We have friends in Colville, around 90 miles NE of Spokane and will visit with them for a few days before moving on.



Thursday, June 10, 2021

East Side of Oregon

I am so far behind in my blog and pictures. I am only going to put up the links for now, some of the pictures have comments. Overall, OR was boring and the roads are empty. 

We are now going up the east side of Oregon. The east side of Oregon is so barron, very surprising to us. We are driving mostly on interstate for a few days. Going through some passes was so nice. The interstate followed a nice stream, lots of curves but a nice change. There isn't much to do going up the east side which surprised us. Nevada was so much more interesting. Not much to see or stop at.

We placed an Amazon order and will wait in Hermiston, OR for the packages to arrive.
This is near the beginning of the Columbia Gorge so we will be doing a day trip. Should be in Washington in another 3-4 days. Hope Washington is more interesting.

Three links of our trip through Easter Oregon

Jordon Hall, OR

Ontario, OR 

Hermiston, OR

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Hines and Malheur NWF

We have been on the road for 3 days, time for a break especially since the roads have been mostly in poor condition. The drive was interesting. We see a lot of very old, collapsing barns as we drive. It is so sad.

The driving was challenging today. The roads don't have any shoulder and I must of met a dozen farm items on the road. They take their lane and part of mine, we had to creep past each time. It didn't seem to make a difference whether it was a back road or a main road.

I found the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, nice big lake so we should see a lot of wildlife. Checked to make sure the Visitor Center was open and off we went. I can say we had a nice drive. Saw minimal wildlife, few birds and the lake, nice and blue on the map, was dried up and the Visitor Center was closed. Oh well, you win some, lose some.


Hines and Malheur click here


 We are seeing trees! Thought we were done with desert. Not!

Lovely Iris