Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Hines and Malheur NWF

We have been on the road for 3 days, time for a break especially since the roads have been mostly in poor condition. The drive was interesting. We see a lot of very old, collapsing barns as we drive. It is so sad.

The driving was challenging today. The roads don't have any shoulder and I must of met a dozen farm items on the road. They take their lane and part of mine, we had to creep past each time. It didn't seem to make a difference whether it was a back road or a main road.

I found the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, nice big lake so we should see a lot of wildlife. Checked to make sure the Visitor Center was open and off we went. I can say we had a nice drive. Saw minimal wildlife, few birds and the lake, nice and blue on the map, was dried up and the Visitor Center was closed. Oh well, you win some, lose some.


Hines and Malheur click here


 We are seeing trees! Thought we were done with desert. Not!

Lovely Iris

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