Sunday, June 20, 2021

Drive from Grand Coulee Dam to Yakima, WA

 Today was a great driving day. We were at Grand Coulee Dam, largest in the US. They had a great 45 minute movie about the construction of the dam and a very interesting museum. This is a massive dam, 550' high and 30' across the top. Happy we stopped here.

Today we drove down to Yakima WA to stop at an Elks Lodge for a few nights before we move to a Corp of Engineer park on the Columbia gorge for 5 days. Looking forward to this, we had a taster a few days ago driving along the Gorge but now we are going to see the "Gorge".

Our trip today was phenomenal scenery wise. We drove from Grand Coulee along the Columbia River. We were stopping frequently for the views. Then we had to drive on I90 and I82. Interstates are not my favorite as I find them boring. Not these two. Up and down significant grades(5% for 5 miles), then came the crowning touch, we stopped at a Scenic View Point and here was Mt. Rainier in all its glory.

A few miles down the road the view was even better, both Mt. Adams and Mt. Rainier came into our view. Of course no scenic area so pictures through the windshield is the best we can do. 

Took us 2 hours longer go get in than planned with all our stops.  

Drive to and Grand Coulee

Drive to Yakima, WA 

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