Monday, June 28, 2021

Plymouth Park, Washington

 We have been caught in the heat wave of Washington and Oregon and decided we wanted to stay in a campground that had electricity for the duration. We found a really nice Corp of Engineer campground, off the beaten path, only 39 sites. This worked out well for us. we did some touring, tried a local restaurant and just took it easy. We hadn't planned to travel much in July/August so we started a little early. 

We have lots of wineries around us and thought we could visit them. That plan didn't work out very well as most needed reservations or were still mostly closed due to Covid. Covid is still impacting us. Most restaurants have limited hours, fast food don't have their dining rooms open yet. 

Going to the supermarkets here is a dicey situation. They don't seem to be well stocked, this is including Walmart.

We finally left the COE park. Tom needed a new phone and we thought this would be a great time to have one shipped to us. Our overnight package took 5 days to get to us. When we were finally able to hit the road again, 4th of July was upon us. We found a county fairground to stay at for 4th of July weekend. 

We did a few day trips along the Columbia River while waiting for the phone. The Columbia is awesome, it is a large river. We have driven maybe 200 miles of its length and the river size has been the  river size has been the same through out. 

There are numerous dams along the river for electrical generation, surprisingly you don't see many boats or fishermen on the river. I have no idea why not.

Each side of the river has a road. On the Oregon side is the Interstate, on the Washington side is a smaller, 2 lane highway, much prettier to drive and you can stop where  you want. No towns or services though.

We did find a local restaurant that was great. We like to go to Mom and Pop restaurants as most of them are very good. This one was a winner. 


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