Thursday, June 10, 2021

East Side of Oregon

I am so far behind in my blog and pictures. I am only going to put up the links for now, some of the pictures have comments. Overall, OR was boring and the roads are empty. 

We are now going up the east side of Oregon. The east side of Oregon is so barron, very surprising to us. We are driving mostly on interstate for a few days. Going through some passes was so nice. The interstate followed a nice stream, lots of curves but a nice change. There isn't much to do going up the east side which surprised us. Nevada was so much more interesting. Not much to see or stop at.

We placed an Amazon order and will wait in Hermiston, OR for the packages to arrive.
This is near the beginning of the Columbia Gorge so we will be doing a day trip. Should be in Washington in another 3-4 days. Hope Washington is more interesting.

Three links of our trip through Easter Oregon

Jordon Hall, OR

Ontario, OR 

Hermiston, OR

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