Saturday, October 1, 2016

Lancaster, ON

I love RVing, you never know what each day will bring. We stopped for gas for the MH. Let me first say that many pumps don’t have credit card slots and those that do don’t read our credit cards. Sometimes you get lucky and the pump will work without needing to go inside and sometimes not.

Today, the pump wouldn’t start but someone came out from the store(we have encountered this before). She swiped some card and got the pump going for us, told us to go inside after we are done pumping. Tom went inside paid and she followed him out and asked that he come by her car. She then handed him a card so we get a gas discount(it works at most stations), an envelope with phone numbers for 2 senior citizen cards to give us discounts and 2 chocolate muffins. Wonderful person, totally unexpected.

Took us 30 minutes to fill up but that is minor. She is such a  kind woman to make sure we had everything to get discounts. I guess better late than never.
We are now in Ontario and back to English speaking area. Let me tell you there is still a lot of conflict between the English and French areas. We heard about the conflict several times in cgs from people we met. 

We are at Glengarry Provincial Park, right on the shore of the St. Lawrence River. That is one wide river!!!!

Tomorrow night we will again be in a Provincial Park and then to Niagara.
We are finally starting to see some leaf changes. Very early yet. We may hit Michigan at its prime but are heading for Niagara Falls for now.

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