Monday, October 3, 2016

Niagara Falls #1

Today we got out early in high hopes of getting to the Falls before there were any crowds. We arrived around 8 AM and no one was there, a bit cloudy though. We took a few pictures and then went driving around(now it was raining) to scope out where things were. We were interested in a walk along the river, at river level by the rapids, IMAX, and the Floral Showcase. Years ago we had done the Maid of the Mist, Behind the Falls and all the other touristy stuff. 

We are happy we took some pictures even though the sun wasn’t out. When we came back the sun was momentarily out but the wind was blowing  the mist across the road and we couldn’t take any pictures if we wanted to.

We drove down to Niagara-on-the-Lake and ate lunch. Sun was now out so we decided to stop and do the White Water Walk. Of course when we got there it was clouded over again. This was all in the forecast.

Tomorrow is suppose to be good so we will go to the Falls early, eat breakfast at Tom Horton(Dunkin Donuts of Canada) and continue on with our day. 

We returned to the cg and I went to logon to the internet. Could not get on, wrong password. Called the office and found out the password was changed daily!!! What a pest to need a new password each day. Must have major problems with the people in the area to do this.


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