Friday, October 28, 2016

Santa Fe #1

We left Pender heading for Santa Fe. Stopped at the truck wash and were taken right away, shocking. This is a single thread operation and once you are in line you just sit and wait.

That finished we started on I80, another very good road. We stopped that night and everything was fine. 

Woke up in the AM to one of our tires being 10 lbs. low. Stopped at a Flying J and got  some air into it but not as much as possible, thought it was their air supply since MH tires need 90-100 lbs. Did fill up with propane though so not all was lost. 

Driving down the road I monitored the tire. We have a TPMS system (Tire Pressure Monitor System) so it is easy to keep checking the tire. The pressure kept dropping so I called a tire place at the next exit(we were planning to stop at this exit anyway). They said bring it in. The tech took the tire off (RR of a dual axle), reseated the valve stem, put on the valve extender and gave it a water bath all fine. Cost was a bargain $18. Could not believe it.

Next morning the tire was low again. Concluded it must be the valve extender. Took off the extender, put on the TPMS module and I went through another day of tire watching on the TPMS. All is well. I guess we will buy a new tire extender. At least that was all that was wrong.

Today we went from 3000’ up to 8000’ and back down to 4000’. We crossed the plains and saw the snow topped Rockies in the distance. Just beautiful.

Our campground tonight is way out in the high desert. This is a star watchers campground. If you have never seen the stars in the dark of the high desert it is a very emotional experience. The campground is so dark they do not recommend anyone coming in after sun down. 

We can’t see any stars, there is a forest fire on the NF which is just burning away and the smoke is making everything hazy. At least we don’t smell it. 

Wonder what is going to happen tomorrow???

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