Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Leaving Canada

This was an experience. Maybe another campfire story. About 3 miles before the border the road divided into 3: trucks, buses, cars/rvs. 

We followed the cars/rv lane, came up to some toll booths to cross the border and couldn’t find a lane for RVs. We decided to go through the cars only lane. Big mistake. The slot for your credit card was not reachable from the MH. I sent Tom out(I was driving) to go pay. He couldn’t get out, door was blocked. I beeped my horn several times, no help came. Finally decided if we moved forward he might get out. OK. That worked out and he hopped back in the rv. 

Next challenge was US immigration. Due to traffic I could not get over the the 1 RV lane that was available. So again I took the car lane. At least a person was there. I opened the  window and apologized, explained I was blocked. He took it OK and passed us through.

Coming out of the immigration booth there was essentially an obstacle course you had to negotiate with your vehicle. We had to dodge around all these barricades in the road. Very effective, sure slowed down the traffic. 

Glad to be back in the US. Today our plans are to find a campground, do laundry and get some food into the MH. Time to restock.

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