Friday, October 28, 2016

Pender, NE


We have moved down to Pender, NE from Sioux City. 40 miles. Pender is a town of 1000, 2 bars and 4 restaurants (kind of): Mexican, Pizza, local fast food and Subway. We took a drive around town and found the 4 restaurants and the laundry. 


Went to the reception center to say we were here and the tech took the MH away around 9. Off we went for breakfast and to do laundry. Came back 3 hours later and the MH was back in its spot, went to get gas for it and noticed a difference right away. 

Paid our bill, took a factory tour and went out to dinner. Tomorrow we begin our 4-5 days to Santa Fe but plan to go through a truck wash as soon as we find one. Everything is filthy and we have not seen any truck washes. They tend to be on Interstates and we have not traveled many Interstates in the 2 months. I checked and we should find one tomorrow. This has become a priority, especially the CRV. 

Our neighbors at Blue Ox have a sweetheart deal. They have a mini-Cooper(?), some special edition that Blue Ox has not made the base plate for (needed to towing car). They have free camping for a week (all Blue Ox customers have free camping), a rental car,  by allowing the engineers to use their car as a prototype they are getting a base plate and the towing/brake assembly free. All they need to buy is a drop hitch and some locks for everything. Can’t beat that.

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