Friday, October 12, 2018

Drive to Jacobs Lake

Today we drove from Page to Jacob’s Lake, gateway to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The weather was beautiful when we started out, forecast was good. Slowly everything deteriorated to cloudy and misting.

From our drive:

This house is so out of place in the west!!

We met 3 police cars driving down the width of the road(must have been the entire police force) chasing all of us to the shoulder. Then "this" came down the road. Whoever is biggest wins, he won.

We pulled into the campground and set up, found a very level site, best we have had in years. A big site and plenty big enough for us.

We took a drive hoping the weather would clear but it became worse so we gave up. Tomorrow is another day.

We saw a visitor center and went in there. Had a great presentation. Learned a lot from the speaker and can’t wait to get down the road. He gave us all sorts of inside tips of locations for pictures and best views. Very detail. Down to go to the fourth tree and turn right, walk 50’ and turn left. I just hope the weather clears.

He did warn us to not come back the 45 miles in the dark. The road is all open range and deer, buffalo and cattle like using the road for a path. If you need to come back in the dark try to get behind a tour bus, let the bus lead the way. Having dealt with open range in daylight we would prefer not to deal with open range in the dark.

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