Tuesday, October 2, 2018

End of Oklahoma, on to Texas

The last 2 days have been interesting. Yesterday(Thursday) we went off to visit 2 additional state parks. No real reason but saw them on the map. Both names intregued us: Roman Nose and Red Rock Canyon. Pretty much the only thing going for them were the names.

Red Rock Canyon had on 30' Red Rock and lots of campsites. Roman Nose was named after and American Indian warrior and had a golf course, lake and lots of camping.

One thing we noticed was that a majority of the campsites were reserved for the weekend. Since we were planning to move on Friday this raised a red flag. We are close to Oklahoma City so there is a much larger population base. I called the ranger at the park where we were planning to go to and was told if we weren't in by 10-11AM there probably wouldn't be a site. No way we could make that time.

We decided to skip that stop and go on to Amarillo, TX. As usual, many trucks on the back roads but once we found I40 all was good. Both OK and TX have major windmill farms, we saw one that went to the horizon and beyond. Each windmill generates for the landowner about $8000 pere year. With these large windmill farms the money is probably a much-needed bonus.

I40 should have been a good drive, except for the 20-25mph headwind and the 50 miles of quasi-washerboard road(and this was an interstate). Exhausted when we finally pulled into the campground. We will do some touring and restock before heading into the mountains of NM and AZ.

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