Friday, October 12, 2018

Vermillon Cliffs

The weather cleared up around 3:30 so we decided to go for a “short” drive to a scenic overlook down the road. This turned into a 3 hour drive. We discovered the Vermillon Cliffs and all I can say is WOW. This is a massive valley that we assume the glaciers carved and left the cliffs on the sides. We rounded a curve coming out of the mountains and down below us were the Cliffs. As usual, the pictures do not do these justice. This is a newish National Monument created in 2000. Primarily wilderness and not developed. Looking at some pictures on Google the rock formations are phenomenal the only disappointment is the formations are only really for backpackers, there is no development at all. Think of the rock formations as Antelope Canyon on steroids.

If you ever want to see the Vermillon Cliffs I would advise driving from West to East. The Cliffs present themselves much better going in this direction.

We ended up driving all the ways to Lees Ferry where we were at river level for the Colorado and the Pariah Rapids. Then came the worry about driving back in the dark. We “lucked” out and were able to follow a truck carrying rebar up the mountain. As we creeped up the mountain we knew if a deer, buffalo or steer showed up we were safe. The problem with the buffalo and steer are they are black and you can’t see them in the dark. We made it home safely and hope to get to the North Rim tomorrow and Sunday.

Our first view of the Vermillon Cliffs

The Valley was massive

Colorado River

At river level

These huge bolders were strewn around, we assume glaciers

Our last view

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