Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Traveling to Page AZ

With the snow in the mountains and sleet in Durango, CO it is time to leave and head to a warmer area. We headed toward Page, AZ. Not sure if we would make it in one day as the roads have been pretty bad. Planned a "boondock" overnight at a Trading Post or Mexican Hat if needed.

Packed up and started heading west but first we had to climb a 8500’+ pass. That should be no problem but what we didn’t know was that we had a 6-8 mile 6% uphill climb to negotiate first. We discovered this was straight uphill, no flat spots. Sometimes we were down to 20 mph. The MH performed well, nothing overheated, none of the gauges even moved. We were very happy with that.

What we didn’t expect, and we had checked the weather, was snow and sleet from 7000’ up. Never covered the roadway but had us driving carefully.

We were planning stop in Mexican Hat for the night. Tom is learning how to be the navigator. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Today was a bad day. I had anticipated Mexican Hat was about 140-160 miles. When he entered it in Miss Piggy(our GPS) he came up with over 200+ miles. With the road conditions being what they are that was a little too much. I had him check on Google Maps and he came up with even more miles. We decided to continue on to Page and skip Mexican Hat, put that back on the bucket list. To this day I don’t know what he put in to get these miles and neither does he. Oh well, that is life.

Today was a confusing day. We went through 3 or 4 time zones as we drove down the road. We started in Mountain Daylight, went through the Navajo Reservation and they are on Mountain Time. However, the Hopi Reservation is in the  middle of the Navajo Reservation and they are on Mountain Standard Time. Now we are in Arizona and on Mountain Standard Time. Poor phones were even confused.
The roads were fair so we continued on and made our planned stop in Page at the Elks Lodge. Beautiful view, bit hazy today hope to get a good picture soon. We plan to be here for several days, we would prefer not to move to a new location on a weekend so will probably wait it out here. Lots to do around Page.

Page is absolutely beautiful. The town sits up on a mesa and the views are phenomenal. The Elks Lodge where we stayed is close to the highest point, I took some pictures but as usual nature is more beautiful in real life.

View from the Elks Lodge

Pictures around Page:

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