Sunday, October 21, 2018

Synopsis of Trip

This has been a great trip, one of our best in recent history.

Had a great visit to parts of Oklahoma, every small town in Oklahoma has a Sonic and a Family Dollar. May not have much of anything else though. We were in really small towns.

Blue Angels, Gulf Shores, great scenery, up close with Buffalo, camped in the middle of a Prairie Dog Town, saw Pelicans in the middle of Oklahoma, finally made it to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, discovered the Vermillon Cliffs and saw lots of snow driving the Million Dollar Highway in Durango.

The most interesting problem was all our unopened chip bags exploded due to the altitude changes. Never had that happen before.

We are now in Phoenix settling in to our winter location. You won't be hearing from us again, unless we go on a day trip, until April/May when we start wandering again.

Hope you all  have a good winter as we enjoy the warmer and dryer Phoenix,

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