Sunday, October 14, 2018

Exciting Night

We had an exciting night last night. Around 6:30-7 an ambulance and police car came down the highway, lights on, running silent. Quite a while later we heard a helicopter come in and land. Looked out our front window and the helicopter landed in the parking lot of the Inn. This was a small parking lot and everyone had to move their cars and some RVs to allow the helicopter to land. A long time later the helicopter took off. About 15 minutes later we heard another helicopter come in and 30-45 minutes later take off.

Went to breakfast this AM and found out people hit something(no one knew what) on the road from the North Rim. It was dark and we had been warned about driving this road at night. Besides deer you had to worry about black buffalo's and steer. We did find out the one helicopter came from Page(20 miles by air) and one from Flagstaff(50-75 by air). This all that is known.

We are very isolated where we are. Closest town is 40 miles away, only Verizon(minimal) in Jacob Lake, no other carrier. There is no cell service from Jacob Lake to the North Rim(50 miles). These people were lucky someone must have seen the accident, driven either to Jacob Lake or the North Rim to call the EMT. The EMT had to drive an hour to Jacob Lake and then to the accident. Then back to Jacob Lake to the helicopter. Then the entire trip had to repeated for the second victim. Hope they weren’t seriously injured.

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