Thursday, September 20, 2018

Cooksen Bend COE, Cookson, OK

The last few days have been interesting. First, I am convinced that there is not a straight secondary road in OK so far. All have narrow lanes and numerous curves. The warning of a coming curve is all over the place, mostly no warning, some just with a sign or arrows and some with a speed limit. No consistency at all. Since we are traveling mostly backroads, you know the "blue roads" travel is slow. Took us 3 hours to cover 100 miles yesterday.

We are staying in mostly COE Federal Parks as they are all half-price camping for seniors. Relatively inexpensive normally, half is a super bargain. All have at least 30A electricity, some have water and there is a sewer dump on the way out if needed.

We pulled into our selected park for a few days and drove around to select our site. On the water, plenty long enough, had electricity. We unhitched the car and backed in the MH. I started setting up the MH(I push buttons) and Tom went to get the car that was in the middle of the road(there was no one else in the campground). He didn't come back so I thought he was talking to someone. I finally called him.

He couldn't get the car out of Park!!! I walked down, neither could I. We overrode the transmission(all cars have this) and got it shifted. Backed into our site and noticed we didn't have brake lights. Could all this be related? Changed the one fuse for the brake lights that was documented, still nothing and still stuck in park. Other strange lights were glowing on the dashboard.

Getting dark out so we gave up. Did some internet research and determine it was probably the brake light switch. Called a repair shop on Friday and he agreed, understood it was our only vehicle and we didn't want to drive in to have him diagnose it without having brake lights. He called around, found a brake light switch and called me back. Gave us an appt. for 10:30. Great........10 minutes after I get done with him, Tom comes in and he found another fuse block that had a fuse labeled "brake"(not documented). Replaced that fuse and everything is working again. Called the repair shop, thanked him and told him we found the problem. Have no idea why the fuse blew.

We drove into town and bought a  packet of fuses and then started our day. We managed to travel a bit but rain was in the forecast and finally showed up. Home we came. Been raining since about 10 AM, suppose to rain all day and through tomorrow.

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