Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Off to Canadian COE, Canton, OK

Packed up and moved to our next stop. Only 140 miles but a very tiring drive for the last 70 miles, had no shoulder, and then the challenge began. The road had losts of small bumps, we felt the backend was going in a  different direction than the front end. Then there was the trucks! We must be in oil/gas country and the trucks were rolling, all coming against us. Besides the bad road we had the buffeting of the trucks. Glad when all that stopped after about 50 miles.

We are now 7 miles from our destination and the road is closed, we looked at the GPS and decided we could drive straight. Next challenge was a low bridge, time to turn around and luckily we were by an oil transfer station so we drove in to turn around. Lots of heads came up when we showed up with a MH and toad. The guys were nice, gave us directions to get around the low bridge and to our campground. Probably made their day.

15 minutes later we were in our campground. Talked to the Hostess and elected to go to the A loop without trees. Did we make the right decision, brand new campground, level concrete spots, beatutiful view of the lake and a bonus, Prairie Dogs all over the place. They are so cute.

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