Saturday, September 15, 2018

Finally Arrived in Oklahoma

Today was an interesting day, back roads all the way and very few cars.

 All the roads were in good condition which was surprising.

We traveled an interesting route based on the town names: Detroit, Las Vegas, Hamburg, Paris(drove past the Eiffel Tower), Snow, Antlers and Bogata.

As we were driving we saw many motorcycles and just  thought people were out for a ride. As we approached Paris, there were more and more motorcycles. We never found out what was going on but there must have been 500+ motorcycles and we saw numerous on the road heading toward Paris.

Once we arrived at Potato Hills COE everything went smoothly. We were sent to the campground and told to call with what site number we were in. A majority of the sites are on the water and we had a great choice. We are planning to stay for 5 days, we have no cell service. 4 bars on the phone but no service. I need to work on this and try to understand why I have bars and no service but then I have had no bars and service. Internet is fine. I am very puzzled.

 All COE campground follow a similar format. Nice sites, near water, electricity sometimes water and a dump on your way out. Each campsite has a picnic table, barbecue, lamp holder. Most are paved and reasonably level.

This is our view over the lake.

The end of our day....................

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