Sunday, September 16, 2018

Robbers Cave State Park

Today was another touring day. We elected to go to Robbers Cave State Park and were hoping to find a gas station with relatively inexpensive gas and a supermarket. We were successful to find both in a "major" town. This town was old, the traffic lights were hung from a wire going diagonally across the intersection. One light per intersection(total of 2).

Surprisingly, the supermarket was great. Much larger than it looked like from the outside, very deep. We managed to pick up what we needed. We had plenty without the stop but were thinking steak so we needed the mushrooms and potatoes. Also bought some chicken to barbecue tomorrow.

Robber's Cave is another very large state park. A Lodge, cabins, horse back riding, canoe and kayak rental, many camping and picnicking locations, fairly large lake., lake swimming and a pool. Perfect for a family vacation. The surprising part was entry was free........very unusual.

Nature provided entertainment by having a Blue Heron chase an Egert around, the blue Heron was very mad.

Do you see the Cougar?

Wood cutouts were all over the park, did a double take th first few we saw

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