Saturday, September 15, 2018

Talimena Scenic Drive

Today was day one of our stay in Potato Hills COE. We decided to go on a scenic drive to the Tahini Scenic Byway. This is a wonderful ridge road. We climbed up to 3500', up and down with many curves. Well worth the long drive, more than we expected.

We are in a very isolated part of Oklahoma, not even many gas stations so we make sure we drive on the top half of the tank.

Never having been in Oklahoma before we had some perceived notions of lots of prairies, cattle, wheat. Where we are now isn't even close. Rolling hills, lots of trees, fallow land best we can tell. Very isolated. It is beautiful, especially since we didn't expect this.

We are early for the leaf change, just beginning, another week or two we would have been at the prime.

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