Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Great Salt Plains State Park

Today we went for a day drive, of course, all on back roads. We had to head north since there were major rains south of us. We'll go south tomorrow.

This was a great trip. The State Park has a salt lake and there were Pelicans, lots of  Pelicans. We were in awe and shock to see Pelicans. The lake is a leftover from the ice age and is 50% as salty as the ocean. Pelicans love it. The other large quantity of bird were Vultures, why, we have no idea but there were dozens of them on a dock and in the trees surrounding the dock.

All in all a great day. Hope tomorrow is just as good.

Why so many vultures?

Pelicans evereywhere!!

The Vultures don;t even leave when we show up!!

Sad barn from the past.....................

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