Thursday, May 16, 2019

We began wandering toward Canada via Glacier National Park. The Going-to-the-Sun Road does not open until late June due to construction. We will also be staying on the west side which is less popular.

I had a good Mother's Day. We are staying at an Elks Lodge and there was a Mother's Day Buffet. Had excellent waffles and good coffee plus received a carnation.

Our Daily Entertainment while at Elks Lodge

On Monday we went across the street to the Exxon station. They had water, a dump, and propane, plus we needed gas. Great! One stop shopping. They could not give us propane as there was only one person making the store. Went to dump and it was locked. Went in and got the key. Next was gas. We needed about 50 gals and it took forever Their pumps were very slow.  Not a good start to our day. Filled up with water fine. Down to the Farm store for propane. Just after we pulled in the propane refill truck showed up. He was nice and patiently waited for us to fill up. Finally, on our way, all of 40 miles is our move.

We were going to West Glacier and the park to wait for mail and prescriptions. It is best to use a small town so there is no confusion as to which post office has your mail. We pulled into Apgar Campground and it was essentially deserted, maybe 10 rigs in a 200 site campground. We wandered around and found a nice spot. All trees, no satellite, no over the air TV. Poor Tom.

Next day we went into town to collect mail, we were still missing on prescription. We went for a drive on the Going-to-the-Sun Roa The road was open for 16 miles. Beautiful..............We are both so happy there is still snow on the mountains, so very impressive. 16 miles seems short but it took us 3-4 hours to do the round trip.

The next day we stopped to check on our last package as I received a cryptic tet for the PO that the package was in Missoula and would be delivered on Sat(today is only Tuesday). Something was off and the PO agreed with me the package should be there on Tuesday.

We drove across the bottom of Glacier NP, nice scenic road but not exceptional. Thought we were going to eat lunch in East Glacier but not one restaurant(no fast food) was open yet.We decided not to go further as we will be visiting Glacier again on our way back from Alaska.

We knew the PO closed for lunch from 12:30-1:30 so we hurried back to get there before they closed. Our last prescription was there. We could leave the next day.

I found out that this coming weekend was Victoria Day Weekend and starts the Canadian camping season. Camping was going to be a challenge. Decided to move closer to the border on Wednesday, cross the border on Thursday making a bee-line for a Provincial Park, staying there until Monday or Tuesday. Flexibility is the key. This is where being self-contained is so nice. We are not dependent on having any hook-up like water or electric. We can last about a week before we need to replenish, need to be conservative though. Most campgrounds as you leave have a place to dump your tanks and fill up with water. Emphasis is "most".

We moved from Glacier to Eureka, MT, just before the Canadian Border. We will cross over tomorrow and head for our planned campground.

Today we topped off on gas(significantly less in the US than Canada), had lunch out and did laundry. Exciting day but had to be done.

The view from our campground is wonderful.

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