Friday, May 3, 2019

Today was a clear day so we packed our lunches and left at 7 AM, a good early morning start and headed for the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone. This is supposed to be where the animals hang out in the spring before all the tourists show up.

We hit the jackpot, we saw hundreds of Bison, several babies and we think a newborn. You can always tell when something unique has been spotted. Just look for all the photographers with these huge lenses. We stopped several times and asked what they were viewing(many spotting scopes). We were well rewarded. I saw a group of people down a dirt road and went to see what was going on. There was a wolf den with babies, we could see it through a spotting scope(nice person offered) and I took the picture but I doubt if any of the pictures will show anything other than maybe a blurry blob if I am lucky. Next big group we stopped at there were 2 Grizzlies, mama and a 2-year-old eating a Bison that had died. We hung around for a while but the bears had eaten and were taking a nap.

A Big Proble leaving the Campground

And of course, where there is one, there are many

The scenery was wonderful, spectacular.

A Bit of Snow

And here are the animals:

The Road is their Path, we just share

Several of the roads are still closed in Yellowstone. We stopped at the information center and asked when they would be open and were told opening in a couple of weeks. We also asked where we could find Moose and Sheep. Tomorrow we will go look for those. This is just like looking for the Big Five in Africa.

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