Monday, May 6, 2019

Today we began our wanderings to Canada. We will have stops in Kalispell, MT and West Glacier, MT then into Canada.

This morning we were talking to our neighbor and found out that last night we had a bear in the campground. Happy we aren't in a tent. Life is getting a bit too exciting.

We left this morning with a foggy, gloomy day. Heading for Anaconda, MT as a stopover. Just about 200 miles. Glad we decided on a short day, the weather turned on us 50 miles from the campground and we had high winds and rain, not great driving conditions.
On the road to Anaconda, great scenery

This casino in Anaconda had wonderful murals on its walls

Our daughter called as we were setting up in the campground. I had asked her to send me a package that had arrived at her house after we left. Gave her the address for West Glacier, MT. Only has one post office so package can't go astray. She told me here PO said the address wasn't valid. I explained it was going to the PO is West Glacier and the address was correct. He said Okay then. Now I am in a minor panic as I am having prescriptions sent there also and Express Scripts had to override the address to get their system to accept it.

Now in mild panic mode, I spent the next hour trying to reach the West Glacier PO. Finally reached them and was told the problem was that I put a street address on the package, just address packages to General Delivery, West Glacier, MT 59366. She assured me the package would get to West Glacier fine. Panic over with.

I then went to place an Amazon order and had decided I would have it delivered to an Amazon Locker in Kalispell. I discovered there were no Amazon Lockers in Kalispell. With my new found knowledge from the PO, I decided to force Amazon to use the PO. It can be done!!!  If you don't put a street address on your order it must go via USPS. UPS won't accept a package without a street address. One of these rare occasions the PO does something to help the customer. I change the address on my order to General Delivery in West Glacier and Amazon accepted the address. I learned something new on how to beat the system!!! No more calling campgrounds to see if they will hold my package for me or jumping through other hoops. I am back in control(I hope).

A few days later:

My optimism about package delivery using General Delivery fell apart. Amazon still turned over the packages over to UPS, UPS tried to deliver them and couldn't. A few phone calls later and I had them waiting for me at the UPS Service Center.

I then called Amazon to see how I could force a package to go through USPS. I talked to a supervisor and he modified my account to request USPS first and UPS second(Amazon always needs 2 delivery services). I will test this when we get to Alaska. 

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