Sunday, May 26, 2019

Wells Gray Provincial Park, Tumbler Ridge


This was a driving day to get to Wells Gray Provencial Park. Only 200 miles but it took 6+ hours. A lot of construction with single lanes and flag men, then the crowning touch, a rock fall that blocked the entire highway. Nothing to do but sit it out, no way to turn around nor any other road to take. We finally entered North Thompson Provincial Park and found a site for the night.


We visited Wells Gray, the nickname for this park is the Waterfall Park. Well deserved. So many wonderful waterfalls, we were only able to see a few of the waterfalls, many were a significant hike from the full-service. We didn’t have time for those and most were beyond our abilities. The waterfalls we saw were magnificent, a well-deserved nickname for the park. At the end of the road(after 25 miles of paved, then 25 miles of dirt) was Clearwater Lake, from what we could see a perfect name. Surprisingly, the Cafe was open and had some great food. Also offered was a boat ride but we didn’t have time for this.


By the time we were back at the camper a small rainstorm appeared. Just out of nowhere.

Tomorrow we are only driving about 100 miles to a full-service campground(we think). Time to dump the tanks and do laundry. We are slowly working our way to Dawson Creek and the start of the Al-Can Highway. Mile Marker 0. Probably about another week until we get there. Not many miles, just a lot to see.


We stopped at a full-service campground and was pleasantly surprised. Most Canadian full service campgrounds are a bit rustic. This campground was relatively new and was created by someone who has camped in the USA quite a bit. Bet CG we have encountered in Canada so far. We did our laundry, organized things in the MH, etc.


Today was a driving day. Based on the conditions of the road 200 miles or so is about all we can take without getting very tired. We found a campground in Prince George and did some basic shopping just to keep us going until we reach Dawson Creek. Shopping in new supermarkets is always a challenge, throw in Canadian and we just hope for the best.  We will be in Alaska in the next 2-3 weeks so life should be better.

We have been seeing moose and bear as we drive down the road. Hard to get a picture, almost had one today. The moose was trotting parallel to the road going in the same direction as us. I stopped, got the camera up and she must have been bashful, she stopped and turned around, trotted down the road away from us.


Today we are just doing a short hop. Saw some deer on the road but that is all. We set up camp and then went looking for the Kinuseo Falls. After many miles on dirt roads and the roads getting worse we gave up. As I have said before, BC needs to give better access to its sites. 

Image result for kinuseo falls
Kinsueo Falls, I copied this from the web

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