Thursday, May 9, 2019

We are now in Kalispell, MT. We are staying at an Elks Lodge in town. All the other campgrounds were 10 miles out of town. Since we had to go to UPS, Walmart, AAA, Albertson's and Michaels this was a good stop and gave us a chance to do some major shopping.

The trip to Kalispell was great! We took a scenic byway and it was well worth it.

Had to be careful, deer were right on the road

Just Awesome!!!!
 Along the road we saw a big cat, thinking mountain lion, sauntering across the road. Disappeared into the woods before we could get a camera up for a picture.
 Once we were set up and checked in we went looking for the UPS Center. All my packages weren't there as I was told they would be via a text message. One was in Kalispell, one in Utah an one in Kentucky. We need to come back the next day.

The Elks Lodge campground backs up to a small airport, like Williamsburg, but a bit(not much) busier. We spent some time watching the planes take off and land. One must have been practicing his landings, he landed at last 6 times while we were watching.

Next day:

Here we go again, stopped at UPS and all my packages were there. Relieved. Tom's computer electric cord had broken and stopped charging so I had ordered a new one.

Next stop Michaels. We were looking for some glass paint to paint part of our front windows. The shades come down straight and the window is at an angle. We had a jury rig but painting seemed the way to go. Once Tom understood there was special paint just for glass(he didn't know this) he thought it was a good idea. Michael's had the paint. one-stop done.

AAA was next. I like to have a planning map and a driving map. I thought we had driving maps for Alaska and British Columbia but we didn't. AAA had a strange system compared to Williamsburg. In Williamsburg, all the maps and tour books are out and you help yourself and then check out in the front. Kalispell had some maps and tour book out to help yourself but the rest were behind the counter.

Next to Walmart Supercenter. This was a small supercenter and I couldn't find everything so I knew a stop at Alberson's was in our future. We were stocking up so we filled up the cart and then headed back to the MH.  I had planned on Albertson's for meat and chicken. They have really good pricing if what you want is on sale. That is on the schedule for tomorrow.


Albertson's was first on our list. I wanted a chuck roast for pot roast and none were out. The guy we were talking to didn't know what a chuck roast was. That is the only name I knew. We finally found the Supervisor and he knew what I was looking for. It is called an Under Blade roast!!! Bought that and some Chicken. We were really looking for Hormel pre-cooked bacon since I refuse to cook bacon in the MH and Tom won't do it on his barbecue. Walmart didn't have it and neither did Albertson's. All that was left was Costco.

We are not members of Costco but had heard you could shop there and just pay a premium at the register. That was fine with us. We were prepared to join since there are no Sams Clubs in Canada, Alaska or Washington, at least at this time. We procured a guest pass, found our bacon, and went to the register. The cashier never heard of the non-member premium, a supervisor came over, she hadn't heard of it either. So we joined Costco, figured we will keep the membership for 2-3 years to cover us while we are wandering the NW. They do have cheap gas so that is good.

We went back to the MH and the lawn cutting guy stopped by to chat. He invited us to a Mother's Day Brunch Sunday morning at the Lodge.
Our next stop will be West Glacier, MT. We know the Goin to the Sun Road is closed for construction but we will see how far we can get. We will be near Lake McDonald and hope to get some good sunsets. After this stop, Canada!

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