Sunday, May 19, 2019

Kootenay National Park

The weather forecast seemed to be OK so we did a long drive. It was a wonderful drive but the weather deteriorated as we went down the road. Still beautiful but gloomy. Canada has well-maintained roads but they need a lot more turnouts for us tourists, very few turnouts to pull over in. 

Here are a few of the picture:

We met some Big Horn Sheep on the road and had a sign warning us that bears have been sighted on the road. A mile or so after the bear warning we saw rangers with their antenna out trying to find the bears. All we saw were some deer and sheep, nothing exciting.

Last night we were reading the cautions for our campground. We have a major animal problem. We are in the woods so that is understandable. The animals we might encounter in the campground are: bear, deer, sheep, wolves, mountain lion. Ranger wants us to put everything away if you are not at your campsite. It is an all-inclusive clean-up: including dirty or clean barbecues, ice chests, pet bowls, etc. All that is really allowed are your chairs.

After our drive today we came back and did some housekeeping. I had been wanting to clean all my spice jars and re-label them so that was my afternoon project.

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