Monday, September 19, 2016

Bathurst, NB

Bathurst, NB -

Today we woke up to fog so decided to keep moving on. We are in a very nice cg in Bathurst, NB. We pulled in early due to fog and heavy misting, not pleasant to drive in. Driving to the cg reminded us of New Zealand, we encountered a one way bridge, no traffic lights, just everyone waited their turn. New Zealand had many one way bridges and some were even shared with a train. Many in New Zealand had lights though. 

Lovely 20 space cg in the middle of a what appears to be a very nice neighborhood. Of course no one was in the office so we walked the cg and picked a space and set up. Next we decided to do laundry. The laundry room in CN campgrounds are usually 1-2 washer and dryers so you can’t let your laundry accumulate too much. This one had 1 washer and 1 dryer and a box to put your money in. 

After that we went to the liquor store and supermarket. In CN, the province liquors store sells wine and liquor. We were not allowed to bring across the border more than 1 bottle each but that was finished up a couple days ago. Stopped at the store and essentially all they had was US wine, a very small section for CN wine. We were looking for a Zinfandel and CN does not produce a Zinfandel. I really think Farm Fresh has a bigger selection. 

It is frustrating to come to CN and need to buy US wine.