Saturday, September 24, 2016

Perce, QC

Today the sun is shining and the air is clear. We went down to the dock and took thee boat ride out to Bonaventure Island where the Gannets are. The boat goes out to Perce Rock and then around the island. Gannets were all over the cliffs and we saw a fair amount of seals.

The strange water color is due to reflection of the sun off of the rocks.

We had seen Gannets in New Zealand when we were there and were somewhat disappointed. In NZ the Gannets were on a plateau and each pair had their own 24”x24” space. How they found each other is a miracle of nature. We learned if we wanted to get off the boat, hike 3 miles one way we could see the Gannets on a plateau. No thank you. The trails we have been on have been very rough going. We still saw an lots of Gannets, were impressed, just not what we expected. 

We are leaving tomorrow as we wander our way to Quebec. Plan to stay at a Forillon National Park tomorrow night. 

Our routine seems to  be working for us. We drive for 2-4 hours, find a cg, eat lunch and then go touring if inclined.