Friday, September 9, 2016

Today we wandered towards Acadia National Park. We drove up I95 for a while and it was a bit irritating. Our RV GPS is set for low bridges and alarms at any  bridge 13' 6" or less. Did you know that most of the bridges in Maine on I 95 are 13' 6". Alarms were sounding constantly driving up the road. We then moved over to US 1, thinking it would be scenic, along the coast. It was so-so. I was thinking it would go along the water and be a pleasant drive. Not so.

We arrived at out campground, checked in and went to our site with a minor problem before getting to the site. Unhitched the car and had a dead battery, had a jump from the CG. Went to our site. Lovely site, we are in a seasonal site and it has  been spiffied up with flowers and other plantings, including a vegetable garden. Our one neighbor is from North Carolina and the other from Williamsburg(haven’t met them yet). 

We went for a drive to give the car some exercise and managed to turn our 15 minute drive into over a hour. Tom didn’t realize it but when we turned back the car GPS wasn’t working correctly and he didn’t notice it. We were heading southeast instead of northwest. Good thing we were on an island.

Our trip has had a lot of bumps and bruises. First, being cancelled out of Assateague, then our credit card was hacked, next we ran out of checks(additional are buried in the MH someplace) and the final was the battery was dead in the car and we had to get a jump.

Since Tom doesn’t need to take down the satellite dish any longer(we bought an automatic one on the roof), I asked him to do the car while he was doing the other outside stuff. He said fine. Check list was on the visor. Today was the first day he did the car, dead battery. The car key needs to be put into ACC mode and he left it in RUN mode. Dead battery. Why do I have check lists posted all over the place??? They need to be read………..

This is 4 bumps we have had, I had always thought the limit was 3. Never boring on the road. Just adds to the story collection.